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Premijit Sen is HAMON!
JULY 10th, 2017

Premijit Sen ,residing at BD-340 ,Salt lake, Sector-1 kolkata 700064 ,West Bengal .India son of late Pramodendu Sen

Premijit Sen is HAMON.

fake Dan certificates

I, Sadatomo Harada, current president and Soke of Shito-ryu Karate-do Seishinkai International, officially announce the excommunication from our organization hereafter, of the former chief of the Indian headquarters, Premjit Sen, due to the dishonorable act of issuing numerous unauthorized Dan certificates. The aforementioned act represents a dishonorable insult to the Japanese Karate-Do spirit and our Seishinkai Organization and, as such, cannot be tolerated. Hereafter, Premjit Sen, in accordance to the act of issuing fake Dan certificates, is no longer eligible as an instructor in our organization, for which his rank is utterly revoked and no longer allowed to use the name of Shitoryu whatsoever. Moreover, any group or individual related to Premjit Sen will be completely refused.

July 10th, 2017.

President SOKE Sadatomo Harada
Shitoryu Karate-do Seishinkai International


President SOKE Sadatomo Harada

Shitoryu Karate-do Seishinkai International

Japan Honbu 954-0111 Imamachi 1-18-14 , Mitsuke-City Niigata-Pref. Japan